Monday, March 10, 2008

okay so I got tagged.

A. Post the rules at the beggining
B. Answer the questions about yourself
C. After posting, tag 5 people by going to their blog and leaving a comment
1. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was 8ish, it was spring time, which means i was probably outside picking flowers, turning them into soup and feeding them to my barbies.

.2. Five things on my to-do list today. Make cookies for FHE, finish FHE video, do homework, wash everyone elses dishes, sleep.

3. What snacks do i enjoy? Vanilla yogurt, toast, poptarts, grannysmith apples, salsa and chips

4. what would you do if you were suddenly a billionaire? Pay for school, start a clothing business, save it for posterity, visit europe, buy a house for my parents.

5. Three bad habits: leaving my clothes lying around, not listening to people while they talk, wearing lime green tights.
6. 5 places i have lived. Utah, Oregon, Ireland.... utah again...
7. 5 jobs i've had. Baskin robbins window washer, summer lunch lady, blimpiesworker, subway worker, tacotime superhero (the same time and place as blimpies, so it doesn't really work..)
8. 5 things people dont know about me.1. I hate driving cars
2. i play the guitar
3. my hair is permed
4. i own only one piece of purple clothing
5. i lived in ireland.


Keith McKay said...

First off, I wish I lived in Ireland. Second, it sounds like you put a lot of thought and effort into your FHE's. Or maybe I just put very little into mine. Third, I don't think I own any purple clothing.

Lizi Dorff said...

so, i used to crush up flowers and clovers and grass and feed them to my barbies :) oh the good old days :)

Courtney said...

I thought it was funny to see that buying a house for your parents would be at the top of your list for what to spend all that money on. I always tell my mom that if I marry rich, I'll buy her and my dad a beach house.