Tuesday, March 18, 2008


If you recognize this photo, I sympathize with you. If you don't then I am jealous of you.
I thought that I would be prepared for quirky roommates, sharing rooms, and snowy days, when leaving for college. But what I was not prepared for was the sink. Yes, the sink is perpetually full of dirty dishes, ours particularly is full of plastic bowls and butter knives. Constantly I ask myself where are all the dishes going? The facts: 1)I know I have one bowl, one cup, and a few plates and silverware. 2)I wash the dishes I use for meals within the hour that I used them. 3)The sink is still full.
I have tried several things to promote cleanliness in our kitchen, which currently smells like rot. I have piled one persons dirty dishes to the side, and cleaned all the rest, sometimes leaving a note like " this is revolting" scrawled across a napkin, I have cleaned every ones dishes--dried them, and put them away, I have made a colorful and polite sign to encourage cleaning of dishes. All to no avail, day after day the sink fills with dishes from roommates that I hardly ever see eat.
Finally I have come up with a sub par solution. One day while pondering away the hours I realized that my roommates cook the most, and use the most dishes when I have freshly cleaned, disinfected and tidy-upped the kitchen. So to reduce the amount of dishes used (thus the amount of hours I spend cleaning them, and the amount of enmity grown toward dinnerware) I have resolved to leave the sink at least half full, and the kitchen in a moderate, but acceptable, state of disarray.
The plan has been effective thus far.


Alyson said...

oh my gosh, my roomates never did their dishes. you could slowly start throwing them away one by one. they will never notice just onet thing missing. soon they will all be gone, and there will be nothing to get dirty.

Taylor_tots said...

I sympathize with you, living with roommates is one of the hardest things. My kitchen isn't as much of an issue with my roommates as is the bathroom. My roommate that I share a bathroom with NEVER cleans it. It has permanent hair/dirt on the tiles, no matter how much I scrub. She even doesn't replace the toilet paper when it's gone and she is the last one. *sigh.

Courtney said...

haha well I live in the dorms so luckily dishes aren't a part of my life this semester. But it's funny you brought it up because my roomate suggested to me that we should create a "chore chart" for next year at liberty I'm not super excited about that.

Keith McKay said...

It's one of those domestic mysteries they haven't ever solved, much like where every other sock disappears to when you pull your laundry out of the dryer, or why buttered toast always lands butter-side down. You just learn to accept it, I guess.