Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Pancake's Day

You may or may not know that today (february 12th) is pancake day. Well I am not sure if it is official, but thats how most food holidays in my life tend to go down. Take May 10th-pudding day. It started in 7th grade, a friend of mine was eating chocolate pudding, I don't know how it started but Lucy was in a particular fiesty mood, and pudding ended up on Julia's shirt. There was a chase scene, and from that year on May 10th was a holiday in our lives. It started out with making pudding, or going to the park and having pudding fights, then gradually turned into just mentioning and the occasional pudding cup.
Back to pancakes though. In honor of pancake day IHOP (international house of pancakes) gave away a stack of free pancakes to anyone who asked (which means I didn't make up this holiday). My roomate Heather and I partook of this golden opprotunity, gathered ward members and went on a trip to Springville. Cleverly (and correctly) we had decided that springville would be less full of hungry anxious college students, it turned out that we were one of the few groups there partaking of free pancakes.
Moral of the story? Food should be celebrated annually, and if you want free pancakes go to the IHOP in Springville, the line isn't as long.


Taylor_tots said...

that is so cool! My fiance was saying something about free pancakes there as well. man i think there should be food holidays more often!

Courtney said...

I am a huge advocate of pancake day and just pancakes in general. So much so that my parents bought me my own person griddle for christmas. So I used to have this ritual of making pancakes on my griddle every sunday and I can't wait to pick that up again in the summer! Right now I'm enjoying the waffles in the cannon center though, they are pretty dang good too.

Keith McKay said...

Pancake day gets edged out only slightly by National Talk Like a Pirate Day. I love the fact that I'm not making that up.